Arch of Light

Arch of Light

With my senses invigorated and everything heightened ona level I have rarely felt before, I stood in awe and enchantment at the wondrous nature of our beautiful earth. The scent of wild bush lupine drifted through the air as this miracle of light and water created a surreal fogbow right before my eye! A sight that was idyllic and spiritual in nature, something that left me speechless; yet full of life, knowing the magic that surrounds each moment we choose in this incredible life.

Arch of Light


With my senses invigorated and everything heightened on a level I have rarely felt before, I stood in awe and enchantment at the wonderous nature of our beautiful earth. The scent of wild bush lupine drifted through the air as this miracle of light and water created a rare and surreal fogbow right before my eyes! A sight that was idyllic and spiritual in nature, something that left me speechless yet full of life in knowing the magic that surrounds in each moment we choose to this incredible live.

Location: Central California
Edition Sizes: 50
Aspect: Classic

Editions (in inches) : Teton: 24 x 36 | Sierra: 30 x 45 | Denali: 40 x 60 | Everest: 48 x 72
